6Beckett - Answers to Friday's Work
1. Miss Potter played football on Monday andTuesday.
2. Mrs Fisher brought her umbrella because it was meant to rain.
3. Sara loves English, but Iasmin prefers maths.
4. On Christmas Eve, I will a be listening eagerly for Father Christmas.
5. The boy wanted presents, so he was very well behaved at school.
6. The Christmas tree was in the corner of the classroom.
7. The sledge landed heavily on the roof.
8. Sneakily, the Grinch hid behind the chair.
9. We had to run around the KS2 Building in the Santa Dash.
10. Miss Potter teaches at the front of the classroom.
1. 456 + 536 = 992
2. 3591 + 6379 = 9970
3. 562.3 + 790.9 = 1353.2
4. 893 – 451 = 442
5. 6793 – 784 = 6009
6. 8989.89 – 708.02 = 8281.87
7. 76 x 5 = 380
1. 88 x 3 =264
2. 932 x 5 = 4660
3. 783423 x 3 = 2350269
4. 67.3 x 10 = 673
5. 876.33 x 100 = 87633
6. 67.378 x 1000 = 67378